Monday, August 29, 2005

Ok ok this is me! Like my friend tells me (a wise one) all the time that I am just a lil' ol' COUNTRY PRINCESS!! Posted by Picasa
Hey me and my best friend Micheal are gonna have a great year together!! Posted by Picasa
I am ready momma for my new school and to ride the bus. Posted by Picasa
Look buddy we are dressed alike... Posted by Picasa
First day of school... Posted by Picasa

Growing up...

Ok It is now 11:22 and I have finally recovered from the fact that my lil baby boy has went to kindergarten... OMG I just can't believe that he is not a baby anymore! Oh but he will always be my lil baby no matter what age he is. He just hopped right up on the bus so proud to be a kindergartener and said I would like to sit with my big brother waved back at me and said bye momma. My very sad heart was aching to just grab him back off the bus and keep him. Christian was so happy, because he got the teacher he wanted, and his best friend Micheal is in his class once again. So as for Christian life is great right now! I can't wait to hear how excited Dillon is when he comes home. I just don't wanna cut those darn strings just yet... I think I will hold onto them a lil' longer if ya all don't mind!